| Web site concept, design and promotion.
"VISTAMAR" Ltd. of port Bourgas is well known and competitive company established in 1992 by Capt. Stayko Staev. Right after "Transimpex" national ship-suppliers, "VISTAMAR" became the first private Bulgarian ship - chandler company, licensed by the Ministry Of Transport and co-founder of ABSS (Bulgarian Association of Ship Suppliers). "VISTAMAR" Ltd. is a general ship supplier, specialized in marine safety and technical ship- chandelling , annual authorized re-inspection of Inflatable Life rafts and Hydrostatic release units, all kinds of fixed Fire extinguishers, Breathing Air apparatus, Escape sets, CO2 installations, Foam installations, Foam compound (concentrate)chemical analyses, Personal safety equipment.
The project consists of:
- product catalogue
- three dynamic menus
- request forms
- partners
- promotions
- banners.
project concept,
web design,
web development,
content management,
SEO - search engine optimisation
product ctalogue, online shop, profile information, shops and stores, partners.
Start date: 01.Sept.2006
End date: 10.Sept.2006
Additionally we have design banners for site populiarity, as well as some printed advertising materials.
Our duty included also:
- site optimisation and search engine submission
- data support and translation.
The project has been developed for 10 days. |